
Junior Horsemanship
This class is specific for local youth wanting to learn all aspects of horses, including groundwork and riding skills. Designed to introduce participants to basic horse safety, handling, care, and an introduction to riding. This program utilizes working with our reliable horse and pony herd and is designed as a group learning experience. This is a weekend long course and is designed to build on lessons from the previous day. Starting with beginner horse handling skills and progressing to more intermediate horse handling skills. A strong emphasis on horse husbandry and care will be taught. Upon graduation students will be proficient in horse safety, catching, grooming, saddling, and walk trot riding skills. Participants will develop the skills to progress into horsemanship classes upon graduation from Junior Horsemanship, and be invited to help assist with our Meet the Mini classes.
Class Duration- 2-day programs with 4 hours sessions.
- Class Agenda – Introduction to Horses, Safety, Grooming, Groundwork, Introduction to riding, walk and trot, and Obstacle Course.
- Type of Attendees – Children ages 8-15, pre-teen and teenage volunteers and attendees with no to limited horse experience.
- Previous Classes – None required.
- Cost - $195 or 20 volunteer hours