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Summit Valley Horse Center

Get Involved


SVHC is a place where everyone is welcome to experience the magic of horses. We offer fee-based programs for young people who want to learn about and spend time with horses. We also offer opportunities for involvement with our horses by becoming a member, or volunteering to help support our organization in different ways. Caring for 40 horses takes a team! We rely on our supporters and volunteers to make a difference in the lives of our horses—just as our horses make a difference in their lives!

If you are brand new to SVHC and want to learn more before deciding how to be involved, or if you’ve decided to become a member, the first step is to attend a New Member Introduction Course (see calendar for dates). The course is included with membership. We suggest a $50 donation for non-members (credited to membership if you decide to join). Members are then eligible to participate in beginner and advanced horsemanship classes as well as riding lessons.

From October to April we do not run New Member Introduction courses instead please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will arrange training for you.

We offer three types of membership

  • INDIVIDUAL Membership: $150 or 15 hours
  • FAMILY Membership: $250 (Max 2 adults and 2 children) or 25 hours
  • SUSTAINING Individual Membership: $500 contribution ($350 tax deductible)

To pay for membership please go to our Membership sign up page, click button below:

You also can pay for your membership by volunteering 15 hours for individual memberships and 25 hours for family memberships, check the Sign-up Calendar for signup times

Individual/Family Membership perks

  • Access to the ranch and all ranch events and programs, including unlimited beginner and advanced horsemanship classes. 
  • Eligibility for riding lessons.
  • Free new member orientation class ($50 value).
  • Free Meet the Mini’s class for one participant ($50 value, if available).
  • One discounted trail ride in partnership with Rusty Spurr Ranch once 100 volunteer hours have been completed
  • Advance notice of and priority for any special events, clinics.
  • Exclusive invitations to wine Fridays at the Ranch and other members only social events.
  • Access to our Obstacle Training Course.
  • In addition, Sustaining Members receive
  • Personalized wine or travel mug.
  • One free groundwork session with one of our instructors.
  • Tax-deductible $400, non-profit donation.
  • A bale of gratitude for your support from our horses, staff, and Board members.

Learn about and work with our horses!

Want to learn about horses and help us train our foster horses?  Below are the variety of activities and programs we offer exclusively for our members:

While membership in the organization is needed to attend workshops and classes we realize that Summit County is an expensive place to live. We don’t want ability to pay to be a barrier to your involvement with us. If you are unable to assist financially we ask that you volunteer some hours and assist with either Ranch chores or at the Thrift store or in other appropriate ways.

Custom Programs Available to Community/Corporate Groups

We have a long history of partnering with different community organizations to custom design learning experiences that incorporate our horses into their organization’s learning objectives. In these programs we always use our tame horses – mini’s, ponies, and full sized horses. Youth oriented partners we’ve worked with include Keystone Science School, the Girl Scouts,  Summit County Schools, and 4-H. 

We also can design leadership and team development programs for groups and corporations who wish to use our horses and venue as part of the overall learning and development experience you are seeking to create. Costs are negotiated on a per diem basis.  Please click the group Inquiries button below.