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Summit Valley Horse Center

Member Programs

Want to learn about and expand on your horse skills? Your membership helps support us, and gives you access to our members only Beginner and Advanced Horsemanship classes where you and interact with reliable and rescue horses. Membership also is required to participate in riding lessons.

Member Programs

Becoming a member of Summit Valley Horse Center opens a gateway of programs to deepen your involvement with the horses, build your horsemanship skills over time, become active in rehabilitating our foster horses and be a support staff in our public programs.  Membership also welcomes you into the fold of a community of people who are passionate about horses,  giving our rescues a second chance at life, and making the delight of our horses available for our entire community.

While membership in the organization is needed to attend workshops and classes, we realize that Summit County is an expensive place to live. We don’t want ability to pay to be a barrier to your involvement with us. If you are unable to assist financially, we ask that you volunteer some hours and assist with either Ranch chores or at the Thrift store or in other appropriate ways.